Sunday 4 September 2011

A healthy beginning

My love for food began as a young girl while helping my mom out in the kitchen. I was quickly drawn to the beaters and mixing bowls that she used to create cakes and cookies. I found this enjoyable because you could mix a few ingredients together and come up with something delicious and a work of art. Or at least that’s how I feel about the things I create. Only in the last 6 months have I realized that my love for food is not just a phase but rather a calling towards something greater.

In the early Spring I was wandering through Chapters and came across some Tosca Reno books in the fitness & lifestyle section of the store. My initial reaction had to do with the fact that the front cover mentioned I could “peel off those last 10 pounds” but truly my interest came from the idea of eating clean. The thrill of the unknown. I had never heard of this term before that day, however, I felt intrigued to buy this book because I have always been mindful when it came to healthy eating.

Along with BeautyFit boot camp and clean eating things seem to be coming together and making sense in regards to a path that I’m starting to follow. Sandra Compton has been one of the greater inspirations in my current journey, I’ve really needed that push and even though my steps are small they will be very important.

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